Sat. 09/29
Session S.8 / WS1 Seminarroom 1 / 10.30 - 12.30 am
Selected poster presentation
Chairman 1: C. Legallais, Compiégne, France / Chairman 2: B. Glasmacher, Hannover, Germany
10.30 - 10.40 am | P10 | Massive In Body Architecture of Robust “Biotube” Vascular Grafts by Dye-Eluting Molds T. Tsujinaka, Osaka, Japan |
10.40- 10.50 am | P14 | A decellularized equine pericardial patch implanted into the systemic circulation P. Dohmen, Berlin, Germany |
10.50 - 11.00 am | P30 | Neogenesis of liver struactural units after cotransplantation of liver and bone marrow cells as a basis for prolonged recovery of damaged liver M. Shagidulin, Moscow, Russia |
11.00 - 11.10 am | P39 | Impact of Albumin Dialysis on Albumin Binding Function - an in vivo study M. Kretschmann, Rostock, Germany |
11.10 - 11.20 am | P97 |
Artificial trachea and in situ tissue engineering: twelve year-follow up in canine model |
11.20 - 11.30 am | P21 |
Influence of different surface treatment of Poly (N-Butyl Acrylate) networks on L929 mouse fibroblasts adhesion and viability |
11.30 - 11.40 am | P22 |
Promotion of bone repairing by use of novel collagen scaffold in rabbit skull defect model |
11.40 - 11.50 am | P24 |
Modulating cell adhesion on pH dependent multilayers of natural & semi-synthetic glycosaminoglycans |
11.50 - 12.00 am | P49 |
Investigation of the initial phase of thrombus generation |