Thu. 09/27
Session T.7 / KMS Chamber musichall / 02.00 - 03.30 pm
Experimental Apheresis
Chairman 1: B. Stegmayr, Umea, Sweden / Chairman 2: A. Sikole, Skopje, Macedonia

02.00 - 02.15 pm  O35 Mediator modulation from whole blood or monocytic cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide reduces enothelial activation
V. Weber, Krems, Austria
02.15 - 02.30 pm  O36 A safe protocol for regional citrate anticoagulation in membrane plasma exchange
S. Buettner, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
02.30 - 02.45 pm  O37 SCUF (slow continuous ultrafiltration) in the treatment of patients with cardiorenal syndrome - a single center experience
W. Ries, Flensburg, Germany
02.45 - 03.00 pm  O38 Application of an extracorporeal system in non-anaesthetized rats to proof different apheresis technologies in disease models
S. Berg, Karlsburg, Germany
03.00 - 03.15 pm  O39 The use of adsorbent technology in the treatment of SIRS/sepsis: A rodent model
E. Coutts, Glasgow, UK
03.15 - 03.30 pm  O40 Experience with a cytokine adsorption filter in a porcine model of cardiopulmonary bypass
L. Shedden, Glasgow, UK