Fri. 09/28
Poster session 2 (P84-P101)+B24 / 1.15 - 2.00 pm
Chairman 1: K. Schenke-Layland, Tuebingen, Germany (P84-P86) / Chairman 2: B. Vollmar, Rostock, Germany (P87-P93)/ Chairman 3: N. M. Neves, Porto, Portugal (P94-P101)

01.15 - 02.00 pm   Cell biology for tissue engineering
   P84 Effects of hypothermia on RBM3 and CIRP cold-shock proteins expression in murine organotypic hippocampal slice cultures
G. Tong, Berlin, Germany
   P85 Hypothermia reduces inflammation in a co-culture model of neuronal and microglial cells
J. Mochner, Berlin, Germany
   P86 Moderate hypothermia: minimizing impairment in HL-1 cardiomyocytes following ischemia
C. Walker, Berlin, Germany
   P87 Hypothermia after hypoxia is neuroprotective possibly via upregulation of cold shock protein RBM3 
L.M. Rosenthal, Berlin, Germany



   P88 Improvement of mechanical property of gelatin/chitosan scaffold using TIPS with a membrane top layer
M. Pezeshki, Tehran, Iran
   P89 Transepidermal Water Loss at Palm and Wrist in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
P. Foltynski, Warsaw, Poland
   P90 Validation of the added compliance and resistance method for lung function tests on a population of artificial patients
K.J. Palko/K. Zielinski, Warsaw, Poland
   P92 The Impacts of revised act on organ transplantation on patients and the public
H. Nakada, Osaka, Japan
   P93 cancelled


Organ Repair and tissue enginnering

   P94 Optimal geometry of convection-enhanced  HFMBs for bone tissue engineering
I.E. DeNapoli, Rende, Italy
   P95 A model-based strategy for osteogenic cell culture under controlled oxygen concentration in hollow fibre membrane bioreactors for bone tissue engineering
G. Catapano, Rende, Italy
   P96 The experiment of the bone regeneration in the canine frontale
M. Kaneko, Kyoto, Japan
   P97 Articial trachea and in situ tissue engineering: twelve year-follow up in canine model
T. Nakamura, Kyoto, Japan
   P98 Platelet rich plasma enhances vascularization and organ repair in experimental allergic dermatitis
V. Zaporozhan, Odessa, Ukraine
   P99 Optimization of the HUVEC cells culture
A. Ciechanowska, Poland
   P100 Novel enzymes for hMSC detachment in large scale expansion process
K. Cierpka
   P101 Incidence of late deep venous thrombosis in renal transplant patient: a single center evaluation
P. Todeschini
  O119 Interaction between Albumin and the Uremic Toxins Indoxyl Sulphate & P-Cresyl Sulphate
Y. Zheng, Brighton, UK