Fri. 09/28
Session F.4 / KTS Katharinenhall / 4.00 - 6.00 pm
Bioartificial Liver Support
Chairman 1: B. Vollmar, Rostock, Germany / Chairman 2: C. Legallais, Compégnie, France

04.00 - 04.30 pm  K37 Future perspectives of cell therapy
Keynote: F. Emmrich, Leipzig, Germany
04.30 - 04.45 pm  O72 Neohybrid liver graft - a novel concept of in vivo tissue-engineering
S. Rohn, Berlin, Germany
04.45 - 05.00 pm  073 Towards a clinical bioartificial liver machine based on human liver cells
C. Selden, London, UK
05.00 - 05.15 pm  O74 Micro RNAs in liver regeneration: the mysterious MIR-352
L. Lisboa, Berlin, Germany
05.15 - 05.30 pm  O75 Micron-sized iron oxide particles for detection and loco-regional stimulation of transplanted liver cells
A. Leder, Berlin, Germany
05.30 - 06.00 pm  K38 Critical outlook on a new generation of liver support systems - do we still need cells?
Keynote: J.Rozga, Warsaw, Poland