Fri. 09/28
Session F.13 / WS1 Seminarroom 1 / 8.30 - 10.00 am
Biochemical Evaluations
Chairman 1: B. Glasmacher, Hannover, Germany / Chairman 2: J. Wojcicki, Warsaw, Poland
08.30 - 09.00 am | K42 | Molecular mechanisms of tissue protection Keynote: K.R. Schmitt, Berlin, Germany |
09.00 - 09.15 am | O118 | The overall hemoglobin glycation rate constant healthy subjects might be lower than in patients with Typ 2 diabetes P. Ladyczynski,, Wasaw, Poland |
09.15 - 09.30 am | O119 | Interaction between Albumin and the Uremic Toxins Indoxyl Sulphate & P-Cresyl Sulphate Y. Zheng, Brighton, UK - Only presented as poster (Postersession P2) |
09.30 - 09.45 am | O120 | Antioxidants improve cryopreservation of primate mesenchymal stem cells N.Hofmann, Hannover, Germany |
09.45 - 10.00 am | O121 | The Impact of the Ca- Binding Protein S100A1 in Muscular Cardiac Assist N.W. Guldner, Luebeck, Germany |